Use Grid
like any other component.
The basic example
import Grid from "svelte-grid";
import gridHelp from "svelte-grid/build/helper/index.mjs";
const id = () => "_" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
let items = [
6: gridHelp.item({
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 2,
h: 2,
id: id(),
6: gridHelp.item({
x: 2,
y: 0,
w: 2,
h: 2,
id: id(),
const breakpoint = 1200
const column = 6
const cols = [[breakpoint, column]]
<Grid {cols} bind:items={items} let:item={item}>
Right now this is a problem for svelte
But you can apply styles to a selector globally, use the, :global(...)
modifier, for example
:global(.svlt-grid-shadow) {
/* Back shadow */
background: pink;
:global(.svlt-grid-container) {
/* Container color */
background: #eee;
:global(.svlt-grid-resizer::after) {
/* Resizer color */
border-color: white !important;
Here are the class names
Class name for container grid.svlt-grid-item
Slot shell class name.svlt-grid-shadow
Class name for the back shadow when resizing or moving an element.svlt-grid-resizer
Class name for resizerThe helper function is located in svelte-grid/build/helper/index.mjs
import gridHelp from 'svelte-grid/build/helper'
Well, there are several functions that will help you manage the grid elements
gridHelp.item(item: Object)
Returns an object with the properties necessary to create a widget. This is an object for a single widget
x: Number,
y: Number,
w: Number,
h: Number,
fixed: Boolean,
resizable: Boolean,
draggable: Boolean,
min: {
w: Number,
h: Number,
max: {
w: Number,
h: Number,
customDragger: Boolean,
customResizer: Boolean,
Example of use
const items = [
6: gridHelp.item({
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 2,
h: 2,
draggable: false,
max: { w: 2 },
const cols = [[1200, 6]];
<Grid gap={[10, 5]} {items} {cols} rowHeight={150} let:item let:dataItem>
- Returns your item, you can use it to access your data item
- Returns the item for the current breakpoint
See this demo
You can specify an item for the right column
<Grid {items} {cols} rowHeight={150} />
let items = [
5: gridHelp.item({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 2, h: 2 }),
2: gridHelp.item({ x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2 }),
const cols = [
[1600, 5],
[1024, 2],
gridHelp.findSpace(item: Object, items: Array<Object>, cols: Number)
Find out where to place the widget in the grid by calculating from left to right returns an object of two properties x and y.
:global(.svlt-grid-active) {
opacity: 1!important;
Prop | Type | Description | Required |
items | Array<Object> | items is an array of objects, see the demos for more complete usage | Yes |
cols | Array<Array<Number>> | Specify columns, e.g. [[1400, 300]] | Yes |
gap | Array<Number> | Margin between items in px | No |
rowHeight | Number | Rows have a static height | No |
throttleUpdate | Number | Throttle grid recalculation, default value is 100 | No |
throttleResize | Number | Throttle grid recalculation, when the container changes its width. default value is 100 | No |
on:resize | Function<void> | The event is triggered when the grid is resized. There are a couple of properties in the detail property. | No |
on:change | Function<void> | The event is triggered when an element is resized or moved | No |
on:mount | Function<void> | The event is triggered when the grid is mounted. There are a couple of properties in the detail property. | |
on:pointerup | Function<void> | The event is fired when a pointer is no longer active | No |
fastStart | Boolean | Removes transition onload | No |
fillSpace | Boolean | Each grid element (except active element) finds its own position. | |
sensor | Number | Set the distance from the cursor to the edge | No |
scroller | Element | Element reference for setting Element.scrollTop . The default is document.documentElement | No |
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